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最近由于工作需要,內網辦公,幸運的是只需要上傳一個*.nupkg一個包信息就可以在私有nuget下載到了,下面就用PowerShell編寫下載腳本,需要注意的是PowerShell后綴ps1(最后一個數字1),以Newtonsoft.Json為例: 下載地址# 設置NuGet包列表的URL $packageName = "Newtonsoft.Json" $targetHttp = "https://www.nuget.org/packages/" $targetUrl = "{0}{1}" -f $targetHttp, $packageName 保存地址# 設置保存已下載包的目錄 $outputDirectory = "D:\nuget_packages" if (-not (Test-Path $outputDirectory)) { New-Item -Path $outputDirectory -ItemType Directory } 解析下載版本地址定義下載需要解析的包地址 # 定義下載前綴 $httpPrefix = "https://www.nuget.org/api/v2/package/" # 下載html文件內容 $htmlContent = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $targetUrl -UseBasicParsing | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Content # 匹配標簽 $pattern = "<.*?>" $matches = [regex]::Matches($htmlContent, $pattern) 獲取所有a標簽 foreach ($match in $matches) { $tag = $match.Value # 獲取a標簽 if ($tag -like "<a href=*") { Write-Host $tag } } 輸出結果 <a href="#" id="skipToContent" class="showOnFocus" title="Skip To Content"> ... <a href="/packages/System.Xml.XmlDocument/"> <a href="/packages/Newtonsoft.Json/13.0.3" title="13.0.3"> ... <a href="/packages/Newtonsoft.Json/3.5.8" title="3.5.8"> <a href="/stats/packages/Newtonsoft.Json?groupby=Version" title="Package Statistics"> ... <a href="/packages/Newtonsoft.Json/13.0.3/ReportAbuse" title="Report the package as abusive"> <a href="/packages/Newtonsoft.Json/13.0.3/ContactOwners" title="Ask the package owners a question"> ... 觀察上一步結果可以看出來每一個版本都有title,且title內容是版本 # 獲取含有title的a標簽 if ($tag -like "*title=*") { Write-Host $tag } 輸出結果 <a href="#" id="skipToContent" class="showOnFocus" title="Skip To Content"> <a href="/packages/Newtonsoft.Json/13.0.3" title="13.0.3"> ... <a href="/packages/Newtonsoft.Json/3.5.8" title="3.5.8"> <a href="/stats/packages/Newtonsoft.Json?groupby=Version" title="Package Statistics"> <a href="https://www.newtonsoft.com/json" data-track="outbound-project-url" title="Visit the project site to learn more about this package" rel="nofollow"> 接著上一步的結果繼續過濾 # 截取href的內容 $substr = $tag.Substring(9) if ($substr -like "/packages/*") { Write-Host $substr } 輸出結果 /packages/Newtonsoft.Json/13.0.3" title="13.0.3">
/packages/Newtonsoft.Json/3.5.8" title="3.5.8">
/packages/Newtonsoft.Json/13.0.3/ReportAbuse" title="Report the package as abusive">
/packages/Newtonsoft.Json/13.0.3/ContactOwners" title="Ask the package owners a question"> 有完沒完,又來了?看上面的結果就還差過濾兩個不相關的了, 獲取href完整內容 # 查找第一個雙引號的位置 $index = $substr.IndexOf('"') # 獲取部分/packages/Newtonsoft.Json/13.0.3 $substr = $substr.Substring(0,$index) 剔除最后兩個版本無關的a標簽 # 排除報告濫用a標簽 Invoke-WebRequest命令下載并保存文件# 下載地址nupkg 全部代碼 ? # 設置NuGet包列表的URL $packageName = "Newtonsoft.Json" $targetHttp = "https://www.nuget.org/packages/" $targetUrl = "{0}{1}" -f $targetHttp, $packageName # 設置保存已下載包的目錄 $outputDirectory = "D:\nuget_packages" if (-not (Test-Path $outputDirectory)) { New-Item -Path $outputDirectory -ItemType Directory } # 定義下載前綴 $httpPrefix = "https://www.nuget.org/api/v2/package/" # 下載html文件內容 $htmlContent = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $targetUrl -UseBasicParsing | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Content # 匹配標簽 $pattern = "<.*?>" $matches = [regex]::Matches($htmlContent, $pattern) foreach ($match in $matches) { $tag = $match.Value # 獲取a標簽 if ($tag -like "<a href=*") { # 獲取含有title的a標簽 if ($tag -like "*title=*") { # 截取href的內容 $substr = $tag.Substring(9) if ($substr -like "/packages/*") { # 查找第一個雙引號的位置 $index = $substr.IndexOf('"') # 獲取部分/packages/Newtonsoft.Json/13.0.3 $substr = $substr.Substring(0,$index) # 排除報告濫用a標簽 if ($substr -notlike "*/ReportAbuse") { # 排除聯系作者a標簽 if ($substr -notlike "*/ContactOwners") { # 匹配版本 $endIndex = $substr.LastIndexOf('/') $startPackageIndex = $endIndex + 1 $packageVersion = $substr.Substring($startPackageIndex) # 下載地址nupkg $packageUrl = "{0}{1}/{2}" -f $httpPrefix,$packageName,$packageVersion # 生成保存文件的路徑 $packageFile = Join-Path -Path $outputDirectory -ChildPath "$packageName.$packageVersion.nupkg" # 下載 .nupkg 文件 Write-Host "Downloading $packageName version $packageVersion from $packageUrl" Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $packageUrl -OutFile $packageFile } } } } } } # 執行結束暫停 $null = Read-Host 轉自https://www.cnblogs.com/dingshuanglei/p/18597696 該文章在 2024/12/11 8:35:15 編輯過 |
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