→『 技術(shù)文檔交流 』
編程愛好者一定使用過金山詞霸的即指即譯功能,它實際上是首先從文本中分離出鼠標所在位置的單詞,然后對照英漢信息數(shù)據(jù)庫的相關(guān)信息進行翻譯。下面的代碼演示了如何從一個RECHTEXT文本框中分離出單詞,并且將它顯示在一個標簽控件中。 啟動vb6,建立一個標準exe工程,單擊“工程”——“部件”,選中Microsoft rich text control6.0,單擊“確定”按鈕,然后在窗體中添加該控件,命名為rchMainText,在窗體底部添加一個標簽控件命名為label1,雙擊窗體,寫入以下代碼: Option EXPlicit Private Const EM_CHARFROMPOS& = &HD7‘返回鼠標所在位置的字符指針 Private Type POINTAPI X As Long Y As Long End Type‘鼠標位置坐標 Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Any) As Long Public Function RichWordOver(rch As RichTextBox, X As Single, Y As Single) As String '當鼠標移動到richtext控件時,分離出當前的單詞 Dim pt As POINTAPI ‘鼠標指針坐標 Dim pos As Integer Dim start_pos As Integer Dim end_pos As Integer Dim ch As String Dim txt As String Dim txtlen As Integer pt.X = X \ Screen.TwipsPerPixelX pt.Y = Y \ Screen.TwipsPerPixelY ‘獲得鼠標所在位置 pos = SendMessage(rch.hWnd, EM_CHARFROMPOS, 0&, pt) If pos <= 0 Then Exit Function txt = rch.Text For start_pos = pos To 1 Step -1 ch = Mid$(rch.Text, start_pos, 1) '從當前字符開始查找0-9、a-z、A-Z和“-”以外的字符,因為它們不‘可能是單詞的組成,據(jù)此可以判斷出本單詞第一個字母的位置 If Not ( _(ch >= "0" And ch <= "9") Or _(ch >= "a" And ch <= "z") Or _ (ch >= "A" And ch <= "Z") Or _ch = "_") Then Exit For Next start_pos ‘找到后退出循環(huán) start_pos = start_pos + 1‘紀錄本單詞開始位置 '從鼠標當前位置查找本單詞的最后一個字母位置,判斷原理同上 txtlen = Len(txt) For end_pos = pos To txtlen ch = Mid$(txt, end_pos, 1) ' Allow digits, letters, and underscores. If Not ( (ch >= "0" And ch <= "9") Or (ch >= "a" And ch <= "z") Or _ (ch >= "A" And ch <= "Z") Or _ ch = "_" _ ) Then Exit For ‘找到后退出循環(huán) Next end_pos end_pos = end_pos - 1‘紀錄最后一個單詞位置 If start_pos <= end_pos Then RichWordOver = Mid$(txt, start_pos, end_pos - start_pos + 1) '利用MID函數(shù)取出該單詞 End Function Private Sub Form_Load() ‘程序運行時初始化RICHTEXT On Error Resume Next Me.Caption = App.Title '添加應用程序標題 Me.Left = (Screen.Width - Me.Width) / 2 Me.Top = (Screen.Height - Me.Height) / 2 '窗體具中 rchMainText.Text = "Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single" End Sub Private Sub rchMainText_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) '當鼠標移動到RICHTEXT時,開始激活單詞分離過程 Dim txt As String‘分離出的單詞 txt = RichWordOver(rchMainText, X, Y)‘單詞判斷 If label1.Caption <> txt Then label1.Caption = txt ‘將返回的單詞傳遞給LABEL1標簽 End Sub Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer) End End Sub‘程序結(jié)束進入討論組討論。 該文章在 2014/3/25 1:04:18 編輯過 |
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