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function isnaw(str)
for i=1 to len(str) str1=mid(str,i,1) if isnumeric(str1) then isn=1 if (Asc(str1)> Asc( "a ") and Asc(str1) 《Asc( "z ")) or (Asc(str1)> Asc( "A ") and Asc(str1) 《Asc( "Z ")) then isw=1 next if isn=1 and isw=1 then isnaw=true else isnaw=false end if end function pw= "123qq " if isnaw(pw) then response.write "y " else response.write "n " end if function checks(c) dim str,str1 str1=c intlen=len(c) for i=0 to intlen str= Asc(str1) if (str 《48 or str> 57)and(str 《65 or str> 90)and(str 《97 or str> 122) then checks=0 else checks=1 end if str1=right(c,intlen-i) '依次判斷字符ASCII值 next end function 該文章在 2014/10/25 11:41:16 編輯過 |
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